Ryan Hileman was named the new head coach of the Williamsburg Football team during last Tuesday evening’s Williamsburg School Board meeting on Jan. 15.
Hileman was previously the junior high football coach. Ryan Brantner was named as a volunteer junior high assistant basketball coach.
In her superintendent’s report, Lisa Murgas talked about a new free hotline for the school district to use for school safety in regards to threats. Murgas also talked about the cafeteria, which finished the year in a $30,000 surplus and got Pizza Hut pizzas for the school districts. All in all, 100 pizzas were eaten, Murgas said.
Elementary Principal Jennifer Metzler said elementary teachers would be using the DIBELS fluency and math assessment on students this week. DIBELS, or Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills, is a set of procedures and measures developed at the University of Oregon for assessing literacy development in students from kindergarten through sixth grade.
Feb. 7 will be the 100th day of school, barring any weather delays or closings. Metzler said that she was proud to announce that 30 students from the 4th through the 6th grade had taken advantage of the school’s after-school tutoring program.
Secondary Principal Michael Jones talked about meetings with Guidance Counselor Carrie Loose to update the schedule for the 2019-20 school year. Jones commented, “(we) want to provide the most opportunities for our students.”
A closed-door executive session was held before the regular board meeting to discuss personnel and negotiation purposes.
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