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  • Dramatic Presentation About Women of The Bible to Take Place at Faith Assembly

    Sep 9, 2021

    Faith Assembly, located at 4870 Cove Mountain Road in Roaring Spring, will be hosting a Ladies/Teen Fall Encounter with Anita Gutschick. The theme will be Women of the Bible. Anita Gutschick, Christian actress, will share “What Was...What Is...What Will Be.” She will highlight the lives of two New Testament women, Anna the Prophetess and Mary of Bethany. Like anyone, they each had things to look back on – some with regret, others with great joy. Anita’s presentation will reach across the gen...

  • Thought for the Week

    Pastor Earl Herr|Sep 9, 2021

    Perhaps you will not think this hero of mine worthy to be called a hero. Even he did not think himself important. When he spoke with the “angel of the Lord,” he said of himself, “… my family is poor in Manasseh, I am the least of my father’s house.” In other words, “I am the least, of the least, of the least.” Not very great credentials for the title “hero.” But as is so often the case, God sees things in people they cannot see for themselves. When this meeting happened, he was threshing wheat...

  • PA Preferred Homegrown By Heroes to Offer Free Webinars Connecting Veterans with Agriculture Business Funding, Opportunities

    Sep 9, 2021

    Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding announced a free webinar series to connect military veterans who are considering starting or expanding an agriculture business with resources, funding and planning tools they need to succeed. The series, which begins Sept. 14, is offered by the PA Preferred Homegrown By Heroes program in partnership with the Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center. Sessions will highlight opportunities for veterans, especially those created or expanded under the PA Farm Bill — historic, bipartisan legislation t...

  • We Need Rest

    Sep 2, 2021

    Recently I’ve grown fond of watching the once popular TV series “Downton Abbey.” What I’ve learned is that in my house, we seem to be short a valet, a butler, a ladies maid, a head maid, any maids, a cook, an assistant cook, a kitchen helper, a few footmen, a nanny, a chauffeur, a gardener, a head gardener, and a miscellaneous rabble of others whose sole purpose in life would be to make my life less stressful. Instead, like everyone else, I get to do most of those things myself, while being g...

  • WINGS Basket Auction

    JUDITH OTT, Southern Cove Correspondent|Sep 2, 2021

    The WINGS (Women into Nurturing God’s Spirit) group of the Greenfield Charge of the United Church of Christ held a gift basket raffle at the Claysburg Community Days Celebration on Aug. 14 and 15. These ladies have been hosting the basket auction since the Claysburg bicentennial celebration in 2004. Each year the group has between 50-70 baskets containing a wide variety of items including back to school or college, pet, bath and body, handyman, cooking, and much more. Gift cards to local businesses are very popular as well. Baskets are d...

  • Thought for the Week

    Sep 2, 2021

    My second hero is not an individual but a whole group of them. These heroes live in the pages of Scripture but also in our day and time. They are the “working class.” We will soon celebrate Labor Day. It will be a holiday for countless thousands of people. It is designed to both honor those who labor for a living and also to give them a break from those labors. The first man, Adam, was given a command to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, and subdue it. This requires man to care for...

  • Making Sense

    Aug 26, 2021

    I talked with an elderly woman this week that has two adult sons. She described how good they are to her although they boss her too much. One did excellent in school and even has had some inventions patented. But she laughed and said to me, “He doesn’t have common sense.” I took it from our conversation that her other son was also smart and had much more common sense. Sometimes sense is not very common. People do not always do what they should. Solomon addressed that truth a number of times in t...

  • Faith United Methodist Church Shares Love for Jesus Through Ice Cream

    JUDITH OTT, Southern Cove Correspondent|Aug 26, 2021

    Sunday, Aug. 22, Woodbury Community Center came alive with laughter and socialization while enjoying free ice cream. Faith United Methodist held their third and last ice cream community event for the summer. This event was hosted by Bill and Paula Barnett. Ritchey’s ice cream was served to all who attended along with various ice cream toppings and snacks. The Barnetts expected to have a bigger crowd than the two previous events as each event showed more attendance. Games such as ladder ball, c...

  • 'Sharing My Story' to Kick Off Rally Day at First Church of the Brethren

    Aug 26, 2021

    Sharing by Church of the Brethren General Secretary David Steele will highlight the Roaring Spring First Church of the Brethren Rally Day celebration on Sunday, Sept. 12, during morning worship, beginning at 9:25 a.m. Steele, who has served as the face of the Church of the Brethren Denomination since 2016, will be the featured presenter in the church’s new “Sharing My Story” personal walk with Jesus testimony. The event will help kick off a new church initiative of self-reflection, self-assessment and sharing how a relationship with Jesus...

  • Thought for the Week

    Pastor Earl Herr|Aug 26, 2021

    Children have heroes. Parents hope those heroes will actually be good examples for their child to follow. In today’s world, sports figures, media stars, and others who are rich, famous, good looking and perhaps popular among a child’s peers vie for hero status. But these may not rate too high among the parent’s choices. I have some heroes. Their stories are found in the pages of Scripture. I believe I could recommend them for heroes for your children or grandchildren. Let’s look them over and se...

  • OT Wit and Humor

    Aug 19, 2021

    It seems the Old Testament often gets a bad wrap. People tend to view it as dry and boring, a list of rules that don’t apply, a bunch of whiny prophets that go on and on, or they see it as a bunch of wild stories that could not have possibly happened. Just to clarify: these are not my views. In fact, I tend to be the polar opposite of all of these. Maybe my perspective is just askew. Today I thought it would be fun to list some highlights in the Old Testament that I find to be witty, humorous o...

  • Imlers to Host Evening at Their Home

    Aug 19, 2021

    Pete and Carol Imler of Roaring Spring invite those interested to an evening of music, prayers, food and fellowship at their home at 1271 Spang St. Ext., Roaring Spring. The evening will begin between 6:30 and 7 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 20. A local guest speaker will join to share music and precious experiences of how God touches lives in so many ways. A buffet of snacks, desserts and special treats will be available as participants spend an evening as part of the family of God....

  • Thought for the Week

    Aug 19, 2021

    There are multiple analogies of Christ’s relationship to His Church. He is seen as the Groom and the Church is His bride. He is the Head and the Church is His body. He is the Foundation and the Chief Cornerstone and the Church is His building. In I Peter 2:4-10, we see Christ as the Living Stone. He is rejected by men but chosen by God (The Triune God) for special assignment. If we are in Him and He is in us and we are in God, then we contain His holiness. Each of us is holy, chosen, p...

  • Vacation Observations and Lessons

    PASTOR LEE SEESE|Aug 12, 2021

    In my most recent column I mentioned looking forward to our big family vacation. I stated that you may be hearing more about it in the future. Now that I have been back for over a week, I thought I might just spend this entire space looking back on our time out west. If you are one who easily gets bored or jealous hearing about someone’s trip, you may want to read another section. But hopefully you can read on as I reflect on observations and lessons learned as I take you to beautiful S...

  • Thought for the Week

    Aug 12, 2021

    We continue to think of Christ building His Church. Everyone who has experienced a radical change in life, who is a Christian person is a “Living Stone” in the great Church: We can hardly review all the things Scripture has had to say about what goes on in the process of building the Church of Christ. Hopefully you have been thinking about this. Today I want to consider how Christ uses His “living stones.” He sees every stone as of great importance. As humans we tend to rank and order people...

  • What Have We Learned

    Aug 5, 2021

    When I was growing up (in my mind not that long ago) almost every book or children's story had a lesson to learn in it. Listen to your parents. Be nice to others. Give from the goodness of your heart and not because you think you'll get something out of it. Even our spelling books in school had little commonsense lessons at the end of each week. Can you believe that? They actually TAUGHT commonsense in school! I bet you are now questioning my age, believing me to be one of the ancients. Here's...

  • Thought for the Week

    Aug 5, 2021

    I have proposed six things: studying and obeying the Apostles’ Doctrine, experiencing fellowship, breaking bread together, praying, demonstrating reverence and praise to God joyfully, witnessing by word and example to the world. The new living stones went through these in preparation for Christ to build them into His Church. I want to remind us there were two new and great commandments taught and examined during Christ’s earthly ministry: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart...

  • Who Is Our Neighbor?

    GEORGE DEMPSIE, For the Herald|Aug 5, 2021

    When I visit the public library in Williamsburg, the beautiful stained glass windows bring back fond memories. The building was formerly the Presbyterian Church where my family and I worshiped. I can still hear Irene Miller playing the Sunday morning chimes as they echoed throughout our neighborhood. Coming of age in the ’70s when church membership waned due to an aging population, I was one of the youngest members. I wore many hats as a young Christian in a small church. I was a Sunday school teacher, collected the offering, provided s...

  • Upcoming Community Worship Service

    Aug 5, 2021

    A community worship service sponsored by the Roaring Spring Ministerium will be held on Aug. 8, at 9 a.m. at the Spring Dam ampitheater. Pastor Amanda McCaffery will deliver the morning message. In case of rain, the service will be held at Bare Memorial Church of God....

  • Looking Forward

    PASTOR LEE SEESE|Jul 29, 2021

    As you read these words, I will have just completed what may be our last family vacation. Only the Lord knows the future; but my sons are young adults now. Between them working and being in college, this may be the final one. We have been looking forward to the four of us exploring the beaches, cities, nature and food of Southern California. I am sure I will be writing about our adventures in the near future. It is a wonderful thing to have something to look forward to. That is one of the great...

  • Bowery Mission Project: The Journey Continues

    JILL BRUBAKER-REIGH, Hollidaysburg Correspondent|Jul 29, 2021

    Chuck Monts and wife Deb have just five days remaining in their cross-country fundraising journey to benefit the Bowery Mission Project in New York City. Morrisons Cove Herald readers may recall reading about this planned journey in late May. Chuck accomplished his goal of bicycling from Los Angeles, California, starting on June 5, arriving back in Pennsylvania on Thursday, July 22, a few days earlier than expected. His goal of raising $100,000 for the Mission, however, is still a work in...

  • Thought for the Week

    Jul 29, 2021

    Our last "Thought" left Christ with 3,000 new Living Stones to use in building His Church. We assume from Acts 2:37-41 they were sinners who had repented, been forgiven, had received the Holy Ghost, were baptized and added into the corporate body as members of Christ's Church. Now, what is He going to do with them? How will He use them in building His Church? I think a stone mason works on stones he intends to use in constructing a stone building. There are a number of things he wants to or need...

  • Upcoming Worship Service

    Jul 29, 2021

    A community worship service sponsored by the Roaring Spring Ministerium will be held on Aug. 8, at 9 a.m. at the Spring Dam ampitheater. Pastor Amanda McCaffery will deliver the morning message. In case of rain, the service will be held at Bare Memorial Church of God....

  • Another Duck Story

    Kelly Baker|Jul 22, 2021

    The illustration shared during worship this week was a whimsical story about ducks (which can be watched by going to www.newenterprisecob.com) that reminded me of my own duck experiences. Last year we raised a group of white Peking ducks. They grew up healthy and happy and upon adulthood they transitioned themselves down to the creek to live. There they remained all fall, winter, and into spring doing whatever ducks do all day. But this spring the geese showed up. A pair of Canadian geese moved...

  • Woodbury Cafe Becomes a Church Again

    Jul 22, 2021

    First a church, then a cafe, then a church again! Woodbury Borough’s 134 Main Street is changing hands. Currently Woodbury Cafe, it’s soon to be Grace Communion Woodbury, a congregation of Grace Communion International. Grace Communion International Pastors Brad and Marlene Reed couldn’t be happier. “It’s all grace,” said Pastor Brad. “From start to finish, Grace. We delve into the Word and show God’s amazing love for us. Just as we are. Just where we are. Grace.” Marlene said, “Not to let...

  • Thought for the Week

    Pastor Earl Herr|Jul 22, 2021

    It has been said, “The Church began on the Day of Pentecost.” That could make sense. Two of the main ingredients were present: Sinners in need of salvation and The Holy Spirit Who could guide them through it. The first need was for the sinners to come to an experience of conviction. That is part of the job description for the Holy Spirit. He convicts of Sin. He can use many methods. This time it was the preaching of Peter. It can also be through the reading of Scripture, through dreams and vis...

  • St. John's United Church of Christ to Celebrate Christmas in July

    Jul 22, 2021

    St John’s United Church of Christ, 117 E. Julian Street, Martinsburg, was closed to worship due to COVID-19 concerns during the 2020 Advent/Christmas season. For this reason, the congregation will celebrate Christmas in July Sunday, July 25, 2021. A time of worship including special readings and carols will begin at 9:15 a.m. Non-perishable food items will be collected for the food bank. In addition, bottled water and Gatorade will be collected and distributed to local fire companies. The public is invited and encouraged to attend this s...

  • Vacation Bible School to be Held at St. John's Reformed Church of Loysburg

    Jul 22, 2021

    St. John’s Reformed Church of Loysburg will hold a one-week evening Vacation Bible School for children of the church and community beginning Sunday, Aug. 1. Hours will be 5:30 to 7:40 p.m. through Thursday, Aug. 5. Bible lessons, snacks and games will be provided each evening. Parents, grandparents and friends of children attending VBS are invited to a closing program in the church sanctuary beginning at 6 p.m. Aug. 5. The evening will close with refreshments for all. The theme of the VBS is “Mystery Island -- Tracking Down the One True God...

  • Catholic Churches Set to Resume Obligation to Attend Mass

    RICK BOSTON, Staff Writer|Jul 22, 2021

    In March 2020, the onslaught of COVID-19 suddenly and dramatically changed the routines of our lives. From the way we shopped for groceries, educated our kids, went to work, or worshipped, adjustments had to be made as officials frantically searched for ways to mitigate the spread of the virus. As efforts to reopen the world from the pandemic’s grips continue, the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown have announced that the exemption from the obligation to attend mass on Sundays and Holy Days has been lifted. According to a statement released by B...

  • Wise Insights from Life

    Jul 15, 2021

    What if you were challenged to begin writing down or typing up observations, lessons learned, and thoughts from your life? Where would you begin? How would you organize your thoughts? How long would it take? How many pages would your insights end up being? It is something interesting to think about. The book of Proverbs, in a sense, is the result of Solomon doing what I just described. The big difference is that he was inspired by the Spirit of God. What I continue to be impressed with as I...

  • Imlers to Host Evening of Music, Prayer, Food at Their Home

    Jul 15, 2021

    Pete and Carol Imler of Roaring Spring invite those interested to an evening of music, prayer, food and fellowship at their home in Roaring Spring. The evening will begin between 6:30 and 7 p.m. on Friday, July 16. A local guest speaker will join to share music and favorite experiences of how God touches lives through ministry and music. A buffet of snacks, deserts and special treats, and if weather permits, participants may have the joy of warm temperatures and hot dogs on the grill. The Imlers live at 1271 Spang St. Ext., on the top of the...

  • Thought for the Week

    Jul 15, 2021

    Jesus was in conversation with His disciples. He told them He would build His Church. Even the ‘Gates of Hell’ could not prevail against it. (See Matthew 16:18) God intended Israel, His “Chosen People,” to serve as salt and light in the world in order to bring the peoples of the world to Himself. They were to display what it was like to be “The People of God.” They were to show and tell what God was like and what God expected from people. They were to show how to worship God. Had they been s...

  • Receiving Blessings

    Kelly Baker|Jul 8, 2021

    “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:2-3, NIV) Wouldn’t it be interesting to go back in time and observe Abram/Abraham? I would like to be able to watch him and observe his mannerisms. What was it about him that got the Lord’s attention to begin with? We know that he was obedien...

  • Thought for the Week

    Pastor Earl Herr|Jul 8, 2021

    I am writing this on the longest day of 2021. It reminds me of the longest day in history. It was a day Israel and Amorites were engaged in war. The Lord commanded the sun and the moon to stand still. He rained down huge hailstones on the enemy so more were killed by hailstones than by the sword of Israel. The story reminded me God frequently did special things and gave great deliverances for Israel when they trusted and were obedient to Him. A lot of terrible things happened in the Old...

  • Martinsburg Brethren in Christ Church Invites Children to Summer Event

    Jul 8, 2021

    A summer kids’ event called Rocky Railway VBS: Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through will be hosted at Martinsburg Brethren in Christ Church from July 11 to July 15. At Rocky Railway, kids will discover through life’s ups and downs that Jesus’ power pulls us through. Kids will participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, engage in fun snack-eating experiences, take part in one-of-a-kind Bible adventures and collect Bible memory buddies to remind...

  • Blair Co. Anniversary Continues with Colonel William Murray Civil War Days

    ERIC SHIELDS, Hollidaysburg Correspondent|Jul 8, 2021

    The celebration of Blair County’s 175th anniversary continues the weekend of July 17 and 18. The Colonel William Murray Civil War Days will be a two-day event taking place at two different locations including the Historic Hollidaysburg Inc., (HHI) House Museum Headquarters located at 516 Walnut St., Hollidaysburg, and the Jacob Walters Log Cabin Homestead, built in 1820, located at 819 3rd Ave., Duncansville. A wreath laying ceremony will take place at the Union Soldier Monument in front of the Blair County Courthouse Sunday afternoon. Also o...

  • Manna on Main Street Time Changes for July

    Jul 8, 2021

    Trinity United Methodist Church in Roaring Spring will continue their monthly Manna on Main Street as a drive-through, take-out only service on July 10 from 5 to 6 p.m. Please note the time change. Participants can drive or walk up to the doors of fellowship hall located at the end of the alley to pick up meals. The menu will consist of beef-a-roni, coleslaw, fruit, bread and cake. This meal is free to the community and all are welcome....

  • From the Mailbag

    PASTOR LEE SEESE|Jul 1, 2021

    With the holiday weekend upon us, I thought I would do something a bit different. I am taking a break from my Proverbs series to answer your questions as I open up the reader mailbag. It will be a way to help you get to know a bit more about me. It is hard to believe I am entering my fifth year writing these columns. I am sure you have gotten to know some facts about me and my family as I have written. Perhaps this will be even more enlightening. Do you have any particular July 4 memories and...

  • Thought for the Week

    Jul 1, 2021

    Our nation will soon celebrate and commemorate “Independence Day.” I want us to take a look at “dependence” today. By definition, the word means, to be contingent upon, influenced by, controlled by, or reliant upon something or someone. “Independence” would be the opposite. “Interdependence” means to be mutually dependent on one or more others. As a nation, our independence was desired or needed because many of our citizens felt the King of England was a cruel oppressor. There were attempts m...

  • Not Just a Job, an Adventure

    Jun 24, 2021

    “Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.” (Psalm 84:5, NIV) It used to be that I would look to the heavens and say, “Lord, just show me what it is that I’m supposed to be doing so that I can do it. I don’t know what it is I’m supposed to do with my life.” In my limited mind, I thought that walking in the will of God meant to find that one job and then do it forever. Did God want me to go work in a factory? Did He want me to be a librarian? What did He want...

  • Church's New Addition Collapses

    Jun 24, 2021

    Construction on an addition to the Grace Fellowship Church in Leamersville, located on Brethren Lane, Duncansville, came to a halt early Sunday Morning, June 20, when the structure collapsed due to a reported studding failure. According to Clem Mallot of the Pennsylvania Municipal Code Alliance, work on the building will continue after a complete evaluation of the site and an assessment of damages. Mallot said the PA Municipal Code Alliance will help guide contractors on what to do to make the...

  • Thought for the Week

    Pastor Earl Herr|Jun 24, 2021

    We examine a parable given only in Matthew 20. We might be challenged. Is it fair? As are many parables of Jesus, this one proposes something to be like the Kingdom of Heaven (or of God). It is a vineyard owner. Background tells us grape harvest takes place in early fall, immediately following come fall rains. The rains are heavy at times and if they come early or the harvest is delayed, the rains will ruin the grape crop. So we know it is imperative to get the harvest done as soon as it is...

  • Summer Wisdom

    PASTOR LEE SEESE|Jun 17, 2021

    This summer has already been interesting. I booked a family vacation for California. We watched our youngest son graduate from high school and vacation without us. I got to play disc golf with my older son. Now we have to try the new course in Martinsburg. Numerous turtles have been spotted crossing the road. I saw a little bear exit and enter the woods about fifty feet from my house. I have crunched a few cicadas under my feet and listened to millions of them. The Lord gave me several...

  • Thought for the Week

    Pastor Earl Herr|Jun 17, 2021

    It was quite a day. It was, for Jews, already a day of celebration. It was the Festival of Weeks, the celebration of the end of harvest. Many times, God had given abundantly to His people. People God blesses should be filled with thanksgivings and praises for His abundant gifts. We should do such celebration and have chosen a day to do it. We call it ‘Thanksgiving Day’. But, we are distracted by football, family, feasting, and who knows what all. Jesus has risen some fifty days earlier. His Fol...

  • Churches Update COVID-19 Policies, Service Times

    Jun 17, 2021

    Editor’s note: The following information has been submitted to the Herald staff. If your church is not listed, please contact the Herald with updated information. A list of changes will be included in the Herald’s publication as long as we receive updates. MARTINSBURG St John’s United Church of Christ • Mask required in entering or departing. Masks may be removed while in the pews. • Social distancing is encouraged. • Singing is permitted. • Summer worship hour: 9:15 a.m....

  • Imlers to Host Evening of Music, Prayer, Food at Their Home

    Jun 17, 2021

    Pete and Carol Imler of Roaring Spring invite those interested to an evening of music, prayer, food and fellowship at their home in Roaring Spring. The evening will begin between 6:30 and 7 p.m. on Friday, June 18. Tom and JoAnn Smith of Everett will join to share music and favorite experiences of how God touches lives through ministry and music. A buffet of snacks, deserts and special treats, and if weather permits, participants may have the joy of warm temperatures and hot dogs on the grill. The Imlers live at 1271 Spang St. Ext., on the top...

  • It's All About Time

    Jun 10, 2021

    “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV) It was a beautiful morning, so I took my coffee, Bible and devotional books out to the porch. The morning sun was just peeping through the leaves on the trees. The birds were chirping and across the meadow came the faint sound of farm machinery. The air was warm and had that sweet summer morning smell. My daily Bible reading was Ecclesiastes 7-12. Ecclesiastes is one of my favorite books...

  • Thought for the Week

    Pastor Earl Herr|Jun 10, 2021

    Much of the church does not celebrate Ascension Day. It is the fortieth day after Jesus rose from death. He now lives eternally. He made many appearances to His Followers after His Resurrection. So far as I can tell, He did not appear to any who were not His Followers. He had at least hinted at this in a discussion with Disciples (See St., John 14:15-31). Jesus also cryptically told His enemies this truth. They seemed to have some understanding of it even though His disciples did not seem to...

  • Martinsburg Mennonite Celebrates Birthdays

    JUDITH OTT, Southern Cove Correspondent|Jun 10, 2021

    Two longtime members of Martinsburg Mennonite Church have birthdays this month. The church honored these members with cards and balloons. This small but mighty church has been holding church services in the church parking lot for over a year via FM radio. Neighbors have commented positively, and the church has had some new attendees at the service. This month Paster Joe Furry plans to open the church once again. Although the church will be open, the parking lot will also remain open for those...

  • Churches Update COVID-19 Policies, Service Times

    Jun 10, 2021

    Editor’s note: The following information has been collected by Herald staff contacting churches. If your church is not listed, please contact the Herald with updated information. We will continue to publish changes as we receive them. ALTOONA Allegheny Synod Lutheran Church • Recommends following the guidelines from the state. CLAYSBURG Upper Claar Church of the Brethren • Outside service at 9:30 a.m. • Inside Sunday School EAST FREEDOM Smith Corner Church • Sunday Morning Worship: 8:15, 10:30 a.m. • Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. • Sunday Evening...

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