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People have written some difficult and challenging prayers over the years. For example, a British fellow in the 1800’s named Thomas Arnold prayed – “Gracious Father, be pleased to touch our hearts in time with trouble, with sorrow, with sickness, with disappointment, with anything that may hinder them from being hard to the end, and leading us to eternal ruin.” And John Wesley from the 1700’s prayed “Lord God . . . let me be employed for you, or laid aside for you, exalted for you or brought low for you . . . .” Why do I classify these prayers...
You likely have seen a sign such as my title displayed at a doorway or gate. There is a purpose for this. Only certain people are allowed to pass through the entrance. All others are kept out. You must have a proof of who you are and that you are one of those allowed entrance before you can enter. To try to gain entrance without the proper I.D. means you will be barred from entry. When you display your identification, the guard checks it against his list. If your identification matches what is...
The moment we become conscious that we are no longer young, we become a valuable resource to others in our lives. We know that life is to be shaped, not merely endured. In our world where it seems that what a person produces is key to who they are, where function is central, there is a subtle but clear social stigma that comes with growing older. When physical strength declines in a society that prizes physical activity, the spiritual values that come with the passage of time are easily slighted as well. It can be a frantic time, maybe a little...
Months ago in Kenya our van driver told us there was a lion laying in the tall grass along the road. We couldn’t see it. It took help from the guide, but then its face became clear. Someone on foot would have walked right up on it. 1 Peter 5:8 warns Christians, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” Satan is out to destroy the faith of God’s people and mar as much as possible the reflection of God’s glory in us who were made in His image, murdering souls. Matthew 4:...
Fidel Castro, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin. What do these men have in common? Each was a leader. We may not have liked them or their leadership, but people followed them. Like it or not, people need leaders. Scripture talks about people being like sheep and needing a shepherd. You may already be tired of hearing political rhetoric. This ‘Thought’ won’t be that. Israel had some great leaders. Styles were different but to some degree, many leaders were successful. Moses may have been the great...
Recently after preaching in my church, someone I never met before approached me. She thanked me for the message and told me that she reads my columns faithfully and appreciates them. I thanked her heartily because our brief exchange was a real blessing to me. In a sense, she was bringing glory to my name even though I didn’t understand how she even knew my name or who I was. There are people in the world and godless nations who, at this point, may not know the name of Jesus. They do not acknowledge God the Father or the Holy Spirit, but one d...
When our family returned from a trip to Kenya and presented our report to our church family and friends, the part where we described the neediness of children caused an audible, collective groan. We spoke briefly of the lack of food and medicine and clothing, and those facts really grabbed some people, to the point they wanted to contribute to meeting at least the needs of one or two children. Driving through the Cove in the weeks immediately after our return I didn’t see women carrying sticks to take home in order to make a little fire and c...
Sharon and I have spent a couple of evenings looking at photo albums. She has made a lot of them and we decided it would be a great way to spend our “winding down time”. Some of them feature a member of our family and begin with baby pictures of that person. Some have a lot of empty pages at the back because they are still pretty young. Unfortunately, there are also some that have concluded for we will not see that person again until Heaven. This morning, in our devotional time, I thanked God...
The Sheep listen to the voice of the shepherd. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. (John 10:3) Do you ever have days when you feel unimportant? Like no one cares? Bad news outpaces the good? It is easy to get lost in those kinds of thoughts when the ways of the world press in on us. The image of the Good Shepherd always helps me to banish those thoughts. God calls his sheep by name and leads them out. “He knows your name. In fact, your name is written on the hand of God.” (Isaiah 49:16) Your name is on God’s hand and on his l...
Our congregation supports a pastor in a country where being a Christian can prove dangerous. He was recently imprisoned because of hatred from enemies of Jesus. The reports were amazing to hear that even while in prison he was loving people and sharing the good news of forgiveness and new life through the Savior named Jesus. I can’t think of another religion where God gives what He commands. We are commanded by God to be holy, and He gives us Christ who was holy in our place and then died to make us holy. This is the message the pastor p...
I would like to begin this “Thought” with a poem. I want us to think about surrendering our lives to Christ. This is truly a daily requirement, although there must be a ”First Time”. Many people fear to do this, assuming God only wants to Judge but even His name is Love and He wants to love us but cannot because we resist or refuse His love. I hope the following: “My Surrender” by Nathan Wanner, will help you to carefully consider turning your life over to God (through Christ). Oh Jesus, now...
Potter Creek Lutheran Church. Memorial Day Services will be held Sunday May 26th, 11 a.m. Pastor Paul R. Snyder of Holsinger Church of the Brethren will be giving the message. His wife Janet will be the special music, accompanied by Lucille Dell. Come to hear the word of God, the beautiful singing, and uniqueness of the 182-year-old church. Everyone is welcomed by invitation from Steve Claycomb....
Mother’s Day has passed. The flower shops, card companies, and restaurants are still counting their profits. If you are a mom, I hope you felt appreciated and valued last Sunday. More importantly, I trust you get appreciation and gratitude on a regular basis. And if you are a lady who has lost a child or has a prodigal, I hope you find comfort in the fact that your significance is in Christ. I know you will never give up and will not stop praying. I have heard people say that every day should be Mother’s Day and I don’t disagree with that....
When our family was in Kenya, I counseled our teenager to forget whatever he may have learned about driving there. I could never have imagined my wife being calm if she were riding in a vehicle where there seems to be no rules. One day she looked at us with a calm smile and said with a tone of voice that exuded peace, “This is really amazing. It looks like we are going to hit those cars head on.” God gave her peace. From my vantage point the only explanation was that she was surrendered to God’s plans. Have you ever heard someone say somet...
Terry Leininger, an Alliance Chaplain, will be speaking at the 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service on May 26th at the Williamsburg Alliance Church located at 5270 Piney Creek Rd., Williamsburg, PA 16693. The Alliance Chaplains Ministries is growing, resulting in powerful ministry opportunities. Currently, there are 69 Alliance (Christian & Missionary Alliance) chaplains, 15 Chaplain Candidates, and 48 applicants representing the Alliance in all the military services and federal institutions like the Veterans Administration (VA), the Federal...
It happened a long time ago in a restaurant we enjoy as a family. Another family came in and was seated. It did not take very long for the littlest member of the family throw a ‘howling fit’; screaming, throwing things, banging on the tray of his high chair. Other diners drew back and lots of folks stared. The father rose and lifted the little guy out of his high chair and they marched out the door and across the parking lot. They were gone a little while, but when they came back, things wer...
One Monday at one of the jobs I worked during college, a supervisor showed up for work, and she looked awful. She looked like she had been in a terrible accident. She was limping and could hardly walk. Her face had terrible bruising and was swollen. She could barely move one of her arms. We crowded around her, wanting to know what happened over the weekend. Here’s the story that explains what we saw that Monday morning. She had a new little puppy. It was time to take the puppy outside. This w...
I like to be ‘in control’. Perhaps that is typical of men. A couple of weeks ago, we were going to a presentation at the Altoona Junior High building. It was rainy and a bit windy. I had an umbrella in one hand and a slippery hand rail under the other hand. My foot hooked on a step and I fell forward, face downward, on to the concrete. On the way down, a host of thoughts fled across my mind: “This is going to hurt.” “I can’t stop myself” “etc. etc.” Could I back up and do over the steps, I like...
By Pastor Lee Seese Correspondent Sometimes people who do not read the Bible or don’t read it very often claim that it is because it is too difficult to understand. It can certainly have its challenges for the average reader, especially if they are not using a translation that is easy to understand. But then there are times and places where it could not be more basic or simple. There are also people who don’t pray much because they say they don’t know how to pray. Perhaps those who are in one of these two groups have never read Psalm 86. Let’s...
Grunting, I suppose, is famous from caricatures of what “cave men” were like or from Tim the Toolman Taylor from the decades-old show “Home Improvement.” But grunting is actually a useful tool for men in 2024. It has proven useful for me when my wife is asking my opinion on something for which I can find no personal opinion no matter how deeply I look within myself. Sometimes, a grunt can serve to show that I am listening and give acknowledgment, but at the same time it is completely non-committal to any of the options in play in the convers...
Sadie had two nemesis, Joey and Butch. They just loved to get her into trouble and she, unfortunately did not do well when they were around. Butch just teased, taunted and tested her ceaselessly. Fortunately, she could handle him pretty well. She just resisted all his efforts and sent him packing whenever she could. He did not stop coming back, however. So she had to deal with him over and over. Joey, on the other hand, was much more subtle in his attempts to get Sadie into trouble. He was soft...
This year of 2024 holds some special excitement for my husband and me as we wait to welcome two new great granddaughters. We know what one of the babies will be named and are excited to learn the name of the other sweet girl. Naming a child is an awesome task. Probably we could all share a name story. Maybe the story is how your parents determined what to name you. Perhaps it’s a nickname that you hold dear for yourself or for a loved one. Or maybe it’s how your name changed or evolved over the years evoking a change in you. As people of God, I...
Our family recently returned from a trip to Africa with a stop in Dubai along the way. We are blessed in many ways, but one blessing that stands out to me is that of my wife and all the research she did. She researched things like what type of bug spray could help ward off the dangerous malaria-bearing mosquitoes but not harm us at the same time, where to obtain the metro pass in Dubai (as well as how to use it), what documents are necessary to enter Kenya these days, and the best neck pillow, etc. Maybe you’re a person who takes a relaxed a...
As we travel through life, it is a good thing to remember the "T" things that are involved. Hopefully they can help us to keep on the straight and narrow way and not to be greatly discouraged as we move on from the cradle to the grave. Life is a "T"est. We see this over and over but still we can easily forget. Of course not many children want to hear the words: "We will be having a test today." But the reason for tests is to see what we know or how we'll handle situations of life. There is a...
A Blair County event for the 73rd Annual National Day of Prayer will be held at Legion Park, North Juniata Street, Hollidaysburg, on Thursday, May 2, 2024, beginning at noon. This event is sponsored by The Way of Truth Ministries. Attendees are invited to bring a chair or participate from a vehicle. The theme this year is “Lift up the word – light up the world.” The theme is taken from 2 Samuel 22:29-31. The keynote speaker for this event will be Pastor Denny Mallonee of The Faith Baptist Church of Beaver Springs, Pa. Local area pastors will...
Jesus reminded His disciples, ‘The ‘Poor’ you will always have with you.’ In Old Testament times, God gave Israel instruction to care for the widows, the orphans, the foreigners within your gates, and the poor among you. In a Matthew 25 parable, Jesus tells us there will be a judgment of the Nations regarding how they treated those who were hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, and in prison. I suppose by lumping all these together, they would constitute “the poor”. A definition can be: “Having a m...
The Pennsylvania Highlands Community College Diversity Committee will be hosting an Interfaith Roundtable on Wednesday, April 17, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. inside the auditorium at the College’s Richland Campus. This event aims to be a discussion-filled evening with guests and featured speakers sharing their views on a variety of world religions, exploring what makes faith practices meaningful, and what those have in common in terms of worship. There will be five featured speakers, including: • V. Rev. Elijah Bremer – OCA priest, Rector of Holy As...
I’ve been planning to do a series of “Thoughts’ on the life of Joseph. I am still not quite ready, so I’ll use this week to talk about something I think we need in this “day and age’. J e s u s warned us there would be “wars and rumors of wars” as long as this world stands. It is so. Right now we are experiencing war in Palestine and in Ukraine. There are lots of other ‘hot spots’. Even in our country there are lots of hostilities. I don’t need to name them. You know them well if you follow an...
I am not one who watches a lot of television. At home, I can no longer watch my beloved Pittsburgh Pirates or pitiful Penguins. We watch the news and some old westerns or classic family shows. There is little else that is worthwhile or of interest. That does not mean I am not exposed to a lot of TV programming. Virtually anytime I visit a nursing home there are multiple televisions playing at maximum volume. I would hate to guess how many commercials that I have seen in my lifetime! Some of them are clever and humorous. Most, drive me crazy...
We know Abraham is called and was ‘The friend of God’. That is wonderful. But something in Genesis chapter 20 challenges my thinking. Abraham tells a lie. He is traveling as he did for most of his life. He comes into a region controlled by Abimelech. We don’t know if that is his name or his title as Pharaoh is a title. At any rate, it was customary for a king to take any beautiful, unattached woman into his harem. Abraham tells Sarah she is beautiful. Now she is likely in her mid-e...
John 1:43-51 As a child, I often called out “Come and See!” to my parents. Something would catch my attention, and I just had to share it. I still do that frequently when I look out the back windows of our home. The sunrise most mornings is so spectacular that I have to get my husband’s attention. Come and See. Probably all of us have invited others to celebrate the discoveries of life by uttering those words. Come and See! Come and Enjoy! In these scripture verses, it is clear that Jesus is not going to wait for people to find him. Jesus...
Each year in early spring, Christians across the globe celebrate their faith on Easter. Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, an event which is described in the New Testament. Mass on Easter Sunday annually attracts millions of the faithful. However, many days during the week preceding Easter Sunday, often referred to as Holy Week, also bear significance to faithful Christians. Palm Sunday Palm Sunday begins Holy Week and commemorates the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Upon entering the city, Jesus was greeted by crowds...
We have looked at ‘Passion Week’ through Scripture. Hopefully you found this helpful. Now, I would like us to look at just a few of the flashes of passion Jesus had during this time frame. Jesus displayed great compassion as He (a) lamented, weeping over the future destruction of Jerusalem and saying He would have gathered them safely as a hen gathers her chicks but they refused. He displayed (b) righteous indignation while clearing the Temple, saying “My Father’s House shall be called a ‘hous...
Both new and experienced cat owners will love this book! Since I’ve owned cats my entire life, I assumed that I was an expert on the subject. However, I learned an altogether new lesson from this book. I had no idea that kittens are born with their claws extended, cats have a sense of smell ten times stronger than humans, and that they don’t start purring until they are a few weeks old. Additionally, learn why cats can lie on extremely hot surfaces without feeling uncomfortable. Just a couple of the new things I learned. Every topic on cat beh...
I have probably mentioned before in this space that I am a competitive guy. While I can handle losing, I would much prefer to be the victor in any type of game or contest. I have loved competition from an early age. My older brother and I would play versions of Wiffle Ball, street hockey (in the basement), football, and Frisbee tossing and keep track of who was the best. As a youth pastor, I loved opportunities to win while playing Foursquare, volleyball, Ultimate, Plungerball, Gaga Ball, Dutch Blitz, and more. If you do not know what all of...
The teen, kids’, and adult choirs from the Martinsburg Grace Brethren Church, shown during preparations for their Christmas cantata, will once again join their voices to celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death in the cantata King of Kings this Sunday evening, March 24 at 6 pm. Admission is free. The choirs are directed by Celeste Ritchey, Rilian Stern, and Laura Lloyd....
We are fast approaching what we call “Passion Week of Jesus Christ, The Messiah.” The story begins in eternity past. But the written record of God’s plan begins in The Garden of Eden with the prophecy of Genesis 3:15. God tells us the day will come when the ‘Seed of the woman’ will crush the Serpent’s head. We understand the ‘Seed” is Jesus, The Messiah of Israel, and The Christ of God to the world. The ‘Serpent’ is Satan, the arch-enemy of God and one who would attempt to destroy mankind and al...
Mark 1:29-39 In his three short years of ministry here on earth, Jesus healed many people. This tale in Mark is fairly easy to imagine. Simon’s mother-in-law is sick in bed with a fever. Jesus heals her and then takes her by the hand and lifts her up. It is a tender image. Even though she literally stood up, there is also a sense of being lifted up emotionally which so often comes with being healed. Imagine how she must have been feeling as she was lying in her bed sick while her son-in law brings Jesus into her home. This woman, more than l...
A new school brand of Bishop Guilfoyle Academy is being formed from the combination of Bishop Guilfoyle Catholic School and Holy Trinity Catholic School. In addition to the name change, the school announced the opening of an additional site for PreK and Kindergarten, and ultimately a full elementary school in Hollidaysburg. This campus adds to the existing two elementary school campuses in Altoona which are reaching capacity due to growth in enrollment. The changes will be effective for the 2024-25 school year, beginning July 1. “We are p...
I wish I could tell you that everything after what we have seen turns out wonderfully well. But I cannot. Yes, everything so far looks good. God did perform multiple miracles. Hezekiah recovered from his life-threatening disease. He did live fifteen more years. God sent His ‘death-angel’ through the Assyrian army camp and that night. 185,000 of the army that mocked God and God’s people died. Sennacherib (S) did return to Assyria in shame at this terrible defeat at the hand of the God he had mock...
Explaining Easter to children can be a delicate matter, especially for very young children who may not fully understand the tenets of the Christian faith. Although Easter ends with Jesus Christ emerging from his tomb, prior to this glorious miracle there are subjects of betrayal, suffering and death. These religious messages can confound when commingled with the imagery of bunnies delivering chocolates, chicks and pastel-hued eggs. How do well-meaning parents relay the message of Easter without scaring or confusing children? A child’s age b...
In general, I consider myself to be a positive person. I recently had an older gentleman from church tell me how he’s always happy to see me because I have a smile on my face all the time. But I have caught myself at times looking in my rearview mirror and seeing that my default expression is not really a smile but a frown. Even when I’m not thinking negatively or am sad about anything, my lips are curled downward. And although I would like to think I’m a “glass half full” kind of thinker the reality is sometimes the glass seems half empty. On...
Easter Sunday is a day when Christians across the globe celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Data from the Pew Research Center indicates there are approximately 2.4 billion Christians across the globe, which accounts for nearly one-third of the global population. Though certain Christians groups do not celebrate Easter, many consider it the holiest day of the year. Given that significance, it’s no surprise Easter is steeped in symbolism. The following are some of the many symbols of Easter and what they represent to faithful C...
Christians and even many non-Christians likely know that Easter is the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Less widely known may be the origins of the name of this significant holiday. Historians are not certain about the precise origins of the name “Easter.” Some believe the name can be traced to the English monk Bede, often referred to as “St. Bede the Venerable” or “The Venerable Bede.” According to History.com, in his most famous work, Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Bede asserts that the English wor...
The 40 days and nights of Lent are a time for reflection and anticipation of Easter’s arrival. Fasting, which for many Christians includes skipping meat and animal products each Friday, also is part of the preparation. Individuals who are unaccustomed to going meat-free may need to expand their culinary repertoire to ensure Friday meals continue to be filling and tasty. This recipe for “Herby Rice and Black Bean Salsa Burrito Bowl” from Niki Webster’s “Rainbow Bowls” (Sourcebooks) is full of protein-rich beans, flavorful herbed rice and sa...
The Assyrian King is Sennacherib (S). He marches with an immense army to confront Hezekiah, who has not paid the tribute as his father had. It is here the weak faith of Hezekiah falters. He pays the tribute (S) demands. He takes some of his own wealth and unfortunately raids the precious metal in the Temple of the Lord to make up the balance. Hezekiah does not know if this will appease (S) so he does what he can humanly do to stave off disaster. He stops a major water supply to hinder (S) and...
Mark 1:9-15 My favorite gospel is Mark because Mark keeps things simple. With Mark, there are not a lot of adjectives and adverbs. He doesn’t add a lot of details. There is almost an urgency to his stories. For Mark, it is all about proclaiming the good news of Jesus, the Son of God. As Mark describes the baptism of Jesus in this scripture, we clearly hear the voice from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved, with you I am well pleased.” (Mark 1:11). The Holy Spirit descends on Jesus, and all seems well as Jesus is launched into his minis...
A study titled “Social Determinants of Health in the Age of COVID: Effects of Social Isolation Among Adults 62+ in Rural Pennsylvania” analyzed the extent of social isolation among rural Pennsylvanians aged 62 or older. The study identified evidence-based programs and services that minimize social isolation, evaluated the determinants of social isolation among residents aged 62 or older, and evaluated the programs and services that currently exist in rural Pennsylvania to determine replicability throughout Pennsylvania and make policy rec...
I mentioned last time that Hezekiah led his people in celebration of The Passover even though it was a month late. What I did not say was he invited the people of Israel to join them in this worship experience at the Temple. The Temple was the assigned worship place for both nations of Israel and Judah. This was extremely generous on his part. Israel had frequently allied themselves with Judah’s enemies and even attacked Judah, killed and carried away captives themselves. He sent messengers w...
Once again, I have an opportunity to be part of a community theater production. It’s been a good time getting to know new people and getting reacquainted with old friends. Most of them do not have a church connection. The biggest challenge is memorization since I have more lines this time around. Hopefully I will get them down when the lights come on. This play is all about family. Although it is a comedy, there are various themes that makes me think about the connection with family and the Christian walk. There is an engaged couple dealing w...